Share Tompkins

Share Tompkins helps folks share and trade goods and services in Tompkins County, NY.

Archive for the tag “children”

“Our kids are not in the way, they are the way.” – Jeci

This photo is from last weekend’s Share Tompkins holiday event at the Southside Community Center. After posting the photo to Facebook, Jessica Brown, a mother of two and a regular at our events, commented:

“Have I mentioned how radical and amazing this is? I have been a part of many many community groups and Share Tompkins has been one of the friendliest, hands down. Our kids are not in the way, they are the way.”

Being “family-friendly” has never been an explicitly discussed goal of the organizers, but it has always been a guiding principal. If sharing is about meeting people’s needs, creating spaces which welcome and nurture children seems like a basic and crucial need that we must take on as a group and as a community.

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