Share Tompkins

Share Tompkins helps folks share and trade goods and services in Tompkins County, NY.

“Our kids are not in the way, they are the way.” – Jeci

This photo is from last weekend’s Share Tompkins holiday event at the Southside Community Center. After posting the photo to Facebook, Jessica Brown, a mother of two and a regular at our events, commented:

“Have I mentioned how radical and amazing this is? I have been a part of many many community groups and Share Tompkins has been one of the friendliest, hands down. Our kids are not in the way, they are the way.”

Being “family-friendly” has never been an explicitly discussed goal of the organizers, but it has always been a guiding principal. If sharing is about meeting people’s needs, creating spaces which welcome and nurture children seems like a basic and crucial need that we must take on as a group and as a community.

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