Share Tompkins

Share Tompkins helps folks share and trade goods and services in Tompkins County, NY.

Archive for the tag “photos”

Photos: Newfield Swap/Tweetup

We had a great time at Phoebe and Matteo’s in Newfield with tons of people, food and, of course, stuff! Almost everything people brought went in the “free” pile, which suggests folks really do like no-strings-attached sharing. The event was also a tweetup, meaning locals who make posts to twitter, had a chance to meet up face-to-face to hang out.

Here are some photos from the first half of the event – stay tuned for more!

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Photos: Really Really Free Market at the Congo Square Market

On Friday, June 25th, we joined forces with the weekly Congo Square Market at Southside Community Center to offer our second Really Really Free Market to the community. There was a great turn-out, tons of stuff was given away and we all had a great time listening to live music and chowing down on the fresh fruit and yummy cooked food from the vendors at the market. We’re hoping to do more events at Southside in the future!

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Photos: One Year Anniversary Picnic and Organizers’ Meeting

We had a really fun time eating yummy potluck food, playing frisbee and other games, and talking about our goals for the coming year. Stay tuned for more details on our next event, a Really Really Free Market as part of the Congo Square Market at Southside Community Center on June 25th.

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Share Tompkins Inspires Sharing Across the Atlantic

Check out this email from Andy in the UK!

Hi Share Tompkins People,

OK and very big hello from Malvern in the UK, I’m Andy and I’ve been very inspired by your local community group ( I’ve even quoted it in my dissertation) and have taken a great deal of inspiration from your site in setting up my own similar project where I live. The difference is mine is an experiment which although part of a degree course is still something I’m very much into. It’s based on just one small street where I live and seeing if a sense of community and neighbourly interaction can’t be given a boost. It’s a friendly enough place but nowadays people tend to keep themselves to themselves and it like were all afraid to mix for some strange reason.

And so the idea is to foster and grow a sense of community spirit , it’s only a little tiny thing in this big old world but I’m hoping it grows, point is I wanted to thank you for the inspirational site and things you get up to out there in Share Tompkins land.

It would be lovely to hear from someone as getting this community going is a bit like getting blood from a stone…Funny lot the English I think I’m an aberration from the norm!!

Andy Jones
Malvern, UK

…Onwards and Upwards

PS I’m the one with the big ears!

Check out the “Our Street” website.

Photos: Really Really Free Market #1

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more about "Really Really Free Market", posted with vodpod

Over 200 people showed up!

Share Tompkins on Shareable

We're on the homepage of Shareable!

Shareable, a website that “tells the story of sharing,” invited us to write a how-to article for their site and we seized the opportunity in the hopes of inspiring similar efforts in other communities.

Read the article:

Photos from Share Tompkins Community Swap Meet #6

We had a great time hanging out on The Commons and spreading the word about Share Tompkins. We also had some nice coverage in The Cornell Daily Sun and Wishing Well Magazine.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about "Share Tompkins Community Swap Meet #6", posted with vodpod

Swapping Video Documentation for Produce

Josh and Jeci organize monthly open mics/slams for Ithaca Area Poets. They’re applying for a local arts grant and thought having a video of one of their events might strengthen their submission. So they asked me to make a 5-minute piece and in exchange they hooked us up with many beautiful baskets of fruits and veggies. Yay for swapping! Here’s the video and the veggies – I hope they get the grant!


Want to share your swapping stories on the Share Tompkins blog? Contact us!

Photos from Swap Meet #4

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more about "Share Tompkins Community Swap Meet #4", posted with vodpod

Share Tompkins on, one of the most popular websites about environmental issues, recently invited readers to send in photos of their edible container gardens. Since Ari and I were able to get everything we needed for our container garden through Share Tompkins swap meets, we sent in some photos and told TreeHugger about how we are sharing resources in Ithaca, and they linked to the site – yay!

Share Tompkins on TreeHugger!

Share Tompkins on TreeHugger!

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