Share Tompkins

Share Tompkins helps folks share and trade goods and services in Tompkins County, NY.

July 10: Community Swap Hosted by Jules

Anyone can host their own swap and here’s one coming up!

From the organizer, Jules Behrens…

I’m hosting my first swap. Here’s the info:

What: Bring anything that you would like to trade, give, swap or sell cheap. Focus on educational materials, books, and games, but household items, clothes, etc. are welcome. Please be prepared for the possibility of bringing some things home if necessary.

Where: 966 Comfort Rd. Danby – about 12 minutes from downtown Ithaca

When: Tuesday, 7/10 4pm to ~7:30.

This will also be a potluck for those who would like. Bring music, instruments, etc, to play too!

Email me with any questions/thoughts/pointers.

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