Share Tompkins

Share Tompkins helps folks share and trade goods and services in Tompkins County, NY.

The Evolution of Share Tompkins

Last week, we had a great visioning meeting to reflect on what we’ve accomplished so far and to determine where our collective energy is moving forward. We decided that we will still be organizing Community Swap Meets and Really Really Free Markets, but there will not be an event every single month. More likely, we will have several sharing and bartering events spread out over the year. In addition to these happenings, we are going to start doing more educational events, where we present best practices for sharing and bartering and discuss strategies for increasing mutual-aid and community self-reliance. To this end, we plan on partnering with SEEN, Swidjit, Ithaca Hours, Ithaca Freeskool and Local First Ithaca in the coming months.

Other projects in the works are an Ithaca Free Store (perhaps mobile), a Share Tompkins display at the Workers’ Center and a sharing-themed float at the Ithaca Festival.

As always, all are welcome to get involved behind-the-scenes. Contact us if you want to contribute to any of these projects or if you have any other ideas to share!

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One thought on “The Evolution of Share Tompkins

  1. Eric B on said:

    This sounds great! One thought I had was to start an effort to have “free/swap” space at the Farm Market and Congo Square each week. People could leave and take what they like each week, things could carry over week to week, or whatever is left at the end of the day could be donated to Salvation Army or Catholic Charities or whoever it made sense to give it to. A bit of work, but through group effort it could really take off.

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